
This page contains random stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Hence the name.


Front projection keystone calculator
This Javascript calculator determines the amount of keystone distortion you get when you raise the image by tilting the projector. This can be an issue with high offset projectors and low ceilings. I wrote this help lay out a Mitsubishi HD1000U with a 92" 16:9 screen, but it's applicable to any projector / screen size combination.

Peeps in a Vacuum
A scientific examination of the effects of a vacuum pressure on Peeps. With pictures. Seriously.

Olney Travel Guide
A visitor's guide to the Olney-Baltimore-Washington tri-city area, courtesy of my wife.

The Adventures of Me and Pete
Short (fictional) conversations between myself and former UVA basketball coach Pete Gillen. With photos. And thought balloons.

2000 Marine Corps Marathon
Photos from the 25th Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC.

Home sweet Home
Outdated photos of our house. The fish has left the building.