This page contains various Javascripts I've written for the Greasemonkey extension for Firefox. If that last sentence makes no sense to you whatsoever, here's an overview:
This page serves as an internet-accessible repository for the javascripts I've written for my own personal use. You're welcome to use them at your own risk. Bear in mind that I know just enough Javascript to be dangerous. The scripts are built by cut-n-pasting from other scripts whose workings I don't completely understand. Once I get them working on my machine, for the one or two webpages in question, development ends. Be sure to check out for better-written, more fully tested scripts.
Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to smspam @ comcast dot net with "javascript" in the subject line.
eBay de feature
Hides (removes) the extra "featured items" listing at the top of the eBay page. I found I was seeing many items twice when browsing search results. Sometimes half a page or more would be repeated. With this script you just see 'em once.
eBay un-hilight
Removes the purple borders and backgrounds from ebay listings. These appear when the seller opts for the "highlight" option; I found them distracting when browsing. The only bug (other than being slow-ish) is that it occasionally results in removing the gray-white odd-even separation backgrounds. Not a huge issue, but I'm looking for ways to fix that.